Monday, May 7, 2007

Return of the Luthier

I really don't know why it is, but whenever a semester ends (and it's never pretty, let me tell you), I cannot resist the urge to luthe. I have stacks of papers to be graded, linear algebra students having trouble with 4th degree characteristic polynomials, nervous statistics students trying to break into an economics major, parties for graduating seniors, registrars with senior grades needing to be turned in so they can calculate GPAs and determine salutatorians and valedictorians....and all I want to do is bind fingerboards and cut purfling channels.

Which, is precisely the next task for this beauty:

This is PGM's guitar. It'll be a fingerstyle critter, 15" lower bout, 20" body length, scalloped X brace, sycamore back and sides, redwood top. She'll have bold herringbone purfling to match the rosette and bloodwood strips to set off the flame maple binding.

The shop is now much bigger in its reconfiguration. It still has a way to go, but is much better already. I'm loving it.